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How to Overcome Burnout from Work
How to Overcome Burnout from Work
What is Burnout?
Burnout is common and can happen even if you’re happy and content with your job. It’s not always an indication that you should move jobs, but it’s a sign that you need to make some changes. Burnout most commonly occurs after a big project, when you’re feeling tired and unmotivated. But remember, burnout won’t always be work related and your homelife could be impacting your work life.
Career burnout is actually more common than you may think. A lot of people are unaware that their exhaustion, unproductiveness and sluggishness is actually burnout. While others are too worried to talk about how they’re actually feeling. But it’s not good to ignore it, burnout should be addressed and resolved if possible. The best way to get over burnout is to accept it’s there in the first place.
Saying No
It’s okay to say no sometimes. If someone asks you to do additional work or stay late, try and explain to them how you feel and that you’re overwhelmed by the workload you already have. Most people will respect your honesty, and ability to respectfully say no.
Of course, we know that saying no to someone, especially someone superior to you is hard and sometimes daunting. However, it’s sometimes the best action to take, as you want to know you’re putting 100% into all projects and tasks assigned to you.
Regular Breaks
Breaks throughout the day are important and allow you to divide your work up more efficiently. Breaks can be anything as small as making a cuppa or having a slice of cake. It’s just a small period of time to allow your mind to focus on other things.
Lunchbreaks are also very important and should be taken away from your desk and any work. This allows you to completely disconnect and switch off for an hour, which will allow you to re-charge and work better in the afternoon.
Switch Off from Work
Modern technology and more people working from home means it’s now more challenging to leave work in the office, and to switch off completely. This is when you have to be disciplined and strict with yourself about when and how you work. It’s important to switch off in the evening, to give your body physical and mental time to re-charge and rest for the next day.
Switching off is equally as important over the weekend. You have earned a rest and need this time to recover for the next week. If you’re feeling mentally and physically tired, it’s a sign you need to take a break from work.
Work hard Play hard is a great moto!
Focus on the Meaning of your Job
Try focusing on what you’re doing, and the importance of your job to the company but also the importance of it to you as a person. This sort of focus however won’t provide long-term relief for burnout but should help your immediate feelings.
Change of Setting
Something as simple as moving your desk around, or swapping seats in the office could give you that little change and adaptation needed for you to feel more settled a work.
Equally, see if your employer would be flexible with your working hours or place of work this could also help feeling burnout or bored of one place or office space.
Speak to People
It’s always a good idea to talk to people about how you’re feeling, whether they’re a friend, family member, colleague or boss. Never be afraid to express your feelings, as the chances are they have felt the similar at points in their career too. Reach out to your boss or HR, so they can help you with your workload and will be more calculated in the tasks they give you. Remember people are good and will want to help you.
Time off
For some people, the best way to overcome burnout is to take a little bit of time off. For your brain to think about other things, and to have a rest from the monotony of working life. Sometimes a little time away is the best way to overcome burnout.
It's not just time off that is important, it's making sure you have a long enough period to properly wind down and relax.
Things to Remember
Set boundaries for when you work and make sure all work related devices are switched off or out away in the evenings and on weekends.
- Regular breaks are important.
- Concentrate on why the work is important.
- Speak to people.
- Change of scenery.
- Take some time off.
Burnout happens to all of us in varying degrees, so don’t stop yourself from asking for help and support from the people around you. Here we have put together some advice which we hope will help. However, this list is not exhaustive, and individually you may have a better or different way to help you overcome work burnout.
Stay Safe,
Team Affecto.