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How to Beat the Back to Work Blues

How to Beat the Back to Work Blues
With the Christmas period well and truly over, returning to work is now upon us. No matter how much we love our jobs, getting back to it’s always hard. This blog will help you shake off the January blues and have a happy start back to work.
Setting goals
This is a great way to start the working year and to get you thinking about what you can achieve. Remember to plan for long and short term, easy and more challenging goals.
Quick tasks first
The idea of going back to work whether that is at home or in the office may be a daunting prospect, so start small with the little tasks. Ease yourself in gently, to help get yourself back into the working headspace.
Hybrid working
If possible, working in a hybrid environment will make your start back at work feel a lot easier and less of a shock.
However, if you’re working from home, aim to work in an office or dedicated workspace so you can feel the difference between working and relaxing.
Tidy Desk, Tidy Mind
Whether you’re working from home or in the office, having a tidy and organised workspace will really help you focus and get your head in the game for working.
Eating and Exercising
Getting into a good habit with eating and exercise is a great way to help your body get back into a more regular routine. After Christmas, and the copious amount of food and drink I’m sure we all consumed, I always find getting back into normal eating habits quite nice at the beginning of the year.
As well as eating well, a regular exercise regime is a great way to release endorphins which leaves you feeling positive and motivated.
Time for you
Still make sure you find time for yourself, even in January just after a holiday it’s important to ease yourself in and not get burnt out. Time to yourself doesn’t always mean days off or holidays, it can mean a bath or walk or cosy movie night, anything which you enjoy and allow you to switch off from work and relax.
As the days are still cold and dark, it’s always a good idea to plan things in the evenings and on the weekends. After Christmas when all the lights and trees come down, January is often a dull time of year, so planning things to do outside of work will boost your motivation in the office.
Also, why not book your next holiday, so you have something to work towards and look forward to while at work.
Fairy lights
I don’t know about you but taking the Christmas decs down always makes me feel a bit sad. Therefore, we like to box up the ornaments and trees but leave up a few lights in our house. Controversial, I know, but the twinkly lights make going back to work and dreary January not so bad.
We hope your first week back hasn’t been too tough, and you’re quickly getting back into the swing of things.
Stay Safe,
Team Affecto.