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How is Technology Transforming the Recruitment Business?
How is Technology Transforming the Recruitment Business?
The 4th Industrial Revolution
The period we are in now is referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution, a time where the Internet of
Things, AI and smart technology are all working along side humans in industries, to solve problems. But,
this is set to develop even further in the future, with the possibility of humans and machines working
together to speed up processes.
The rise in new modern technology, has made things a lot easier for recruitment businesses. In addition,
the fact that jobs can be found and applied for online, means everything can happen a lot more quickly.
It also means international jobs are more available and within reach.
The Influence of Social Media
Social media is extremely useful and can be used by both candidates and recruiters to enhance
understanding and skills.
Social media is now used by 70% of employers to search up and find out about new candidates.
Therefore, having a clean social media footprint is vital. You want your social media pages to show skills
and attributes employers will be looking for. Social media means recruiter have more than just
someone’s CV to look at but a whole host of social media pages who gives a lot more detail about the
candidate. Recruiters can identify and target specific people on social media if they look right for the
role. This includes passive candidates (people not openly looking for a job).
Social media is used by most companies to create a brand and a reputation for themselves. If a company
has a well-known social media presence, it helps attract candidates who would fit in well. In this day and
age, with social media being such an integral part of life, it’s important your company has some type of
social media capabilities. Remember, employees will search up their possible future employers as well!
Social media can be used to promote jobs. Using a big platform like LinkedIn or Facebook, will attract
people from all around the country, and possibly globally. Geographically, social media has no limits.
This means there are many more opportunities to find a candidate who is right for the role.
Use your social media pages to their full extent to reap the rewards.
The Introduction of AI
Companies nowadays rely on social media to find new candidates. AI is a great way to ensure a company
is not bias in anyway, as AI looks at a candidate’s specific skills. This ensures the best candidates for the
role standout no matter their background. Due to this skills and qualifications on a CV should stand out
to ensure they are picked up and shown to the person deciding. AI allows the removal of unconscious
human bias. Networks powered by AI has access to millions of users, so can try and find the exact right
candidate for the job.
Another good introduction is the chat rooms which are controlled by AI robots, this saves companies a
huge amount of time dealing with small regularly asked questions.
Failing to use Technology to its Full Advantage
Too many companies aren’t using the technology they have available to its fullest extent, and that is the
difference between highly successful companies and those who are less successful. Use what is available
to you to make your business the best it can be.
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Team Affecto.